Friday, December 14, 2012

Yeyen Lidya Hot.......

The young woman vs. The older woman

They say that a young woman is spoiled and the older woman doesn't need anyone to spoil them because they usually spoil themselves because of the income that some of these older women are bringing home. They usually bring home the bacon, while in power of themselves. Now, some of these young women out here are doing nothing with their lives and not working and still looking for a man to take care of them. These young women are what you call high maintenance and the older woman is very independent and can take care of themselves where they don't need anyone or any man.

In sex and relationships: An older woman is very experienced and some older women may not be able to take the thrashing behind closed doors when having sex whereas, the younger woman might be able to take it. It's pretty simple with that particular subject with sex, because most older women dry up to a point where they need lubrication because of that particular area can't get wet as much as the younger woman's can.

However, some find it hard to climax, and with the younger woman, climaxing is easier for them while driving a man crazy, and that's when the older man starts dating a younger woman and thinking in the back of his mind that a younger woman can satisfy them more than the older woman can. Although, the younger woman may love the thrashing, but some can't handle what comes with the thrashing and penetration and tend to get a little clingy and needy and want to say that they're in love and start to sweat the small stuff. Although, the older women never sweats the small stuff because they're just too busy for all of that nonsense because they're too busy with their careers. In love, a younger woman tends to date older men because they all want that father figure who can tame them and teach them.

Remember: The little girl's first love is her daddy, and if the father is in her life then that only means that she's choosy about the men in her lives, whereas the other young girl's who are irresponsible when it comes to love and is still immature and naive when dealing with men and is not real smart about their decision making and the younger woman is spoiled to a point where they want their way all the time, but what they don't know is that when you throw a fit or temper tantrums, no one will pay you any mind because you acted like a kid by throwing a fit with these attacks thinking you'll get your way. However, an older woman will handle things differently where they won't have to throw a tantrum to get their way, because they normally use what they have, to get what they want.

On the subject of sex again: Today, young girls give a shallow fallatio, and complaining about how it's too much, and the older woman will gag and knowing all the while, that true love is just a gag away. When dealing with a younger man: The older woman will go the extra mile for competition to please her man whereas, the younger woman can and the older woman is willing to do anything to keep her younger man while keeping him satisfied so their man won't wander or stray. However, the younger man will always be satisfied with the older woman because they realize that the older woman is into anything.

Priorities: An older woman knows her priorities and what comes first before anything and can seriously hold down their forte, and the younger woman will just keep living the life of partying and not handling responsibilities, let alone having their own apartments and is not ready for serious relationships while playing too many games. Some men say that younger women are undecided about things in general and still having a child like mind and not making up their minds to make the right decisions in life.

When in relationships: Some young women don't know how to hold down the man, so they get pregnant knowing that they can't take care of that baby because they're babies themselves and end up blaming themselves in the long run.

Newsflash: Love don't pay the bills, or the rent. So get up off your comfort zone and get a job. Don't look for a man to pay your way all the time. Most men love it when they can depend on a woman who can stand on their own two feet and have their stuff together. Some young women are insecure to a point where they do the dumbest things to go through any lengths to please a man which might turn a man off. Now, the older women don't have to do those things to keep a man because they're not insecure at all, but don't have it twisted because they do have some older women who are very insecure to a point where they start to do silly things to trap a man which also turns a man off because as older women, you should know better than to play those same games as the young girls normally do., so no man really takes them serious. An older woman takes takes their lives serious while the younger woman might never take their life serious until it becomes too late. Some succeed in the corporate world and some can't handle what comes when working in the corporate world, they say the young woman would never survive, but so not true. Some young women might be able to handle all the responsibilities that come when working in the corporate world and some can't handle what comes when working in that particular environment and some don't know what they're doing with their money and not putting aside for their future so they really have nothing to build off of.

The young woman vs. The older woman: Ladies are we finally going to see the difference between the younger woman vs. The older woman. Why the older woman is very independent vs. the spoiled rotten young women out there that wants to get their way all the time and living the life of partying and not handling responsibilities that comes with growing up to be that mature young woman that they should blossom into.


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